47th Aviation Battalion

Wisconsin Army National Guard

There are never any short days on "Range 2"
Ft. McCoy, WI

Chuck, one of the best pilots that I've flown with.

No Dan we can't take that home, Dan with a 2.75mm rocket, look at the old MK-44 motor on it.

All I need is a larger screwdriver or a big hammer and I'll fix it this time. And, no Otto I wont use my farmers pliers (vise grips) again

HE 40mm rounds

More HE 40mm rounds

Yes, Sonny I know. I'm working on it as fast as I can.

This was the first TOW that Otto loaded on the the aircraft, it was the first time I could teach him after all the times he was able to teach me some thing about being a mechanic (and myself) then and he taught me many more years to come