As you will see I have spent some time in the Army and also some time in the Wisconsin Army Nation Guard.

The US Government did not officially authorize a medal for Federal service during the Cold War, but limited its official recognition to the Cold War Recognition Certificate. Cold War Recognition Certificate

This medal is intended for use by State Guard organizations, military and patriotic societies, and by private citizens who served during the Cold War. It offers a unique form of recognition specifically for citizen-soldiers and Federal civilian employees who served during the cold war.

This is what my awards would look like with the Cold War Medal

What these awards mean

Senior Aircraft Crewman

Army Achievement Medal
3rd award

Army Good Conduct Medal

Reserve Components
Army Achievement Medal
3rd award

National Defense Service Medal

Armed Forces Reserve Medal
10 yrs service

NCO Development Ribbon

Army Service Ribbon

Army Overseas Service Ribbon

Wisconsin Army National
Guard Service Ribbon
10 yrs service

Wisconsin National Guard
Emergency Service Ribbon
12th award

Wisconsin Army National
Wright Ribbon
8th award

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