SGT Bratland

As you will see I have spent some time in the army, I will have some pictures of the guys and places that I have been.

Here is a picture of what I used to do on the weekends in the Wisconsin Army National Guard
the unit was A Co, 1st Bn 147th Avn.
I would be the crewchief in the right crew seat.

Here are some of the units that I was in,

Ft. Jackson for Basic B Co 6th Bn 2nd Plt 2nd Sqd Jul-Sep 83
Ft. Eustis for AIT E Co 2nd TSBDE Sep 83-Jan 84
Air Troop, 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Nurmberg, Germany
HHT, 2nd Cbt Avn Sqdn, 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Nurmberg, Germany
AVUM Troop, 2nd Cbt Avn Sqdn, 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Nurmberg, Germany

E Co 4th Avn 4th Inf Div, Ft. Carson
142nd TAMC, 4th Avn 4th Inf Div, Ft. Carson

D Co (-) 47th Avn, WIARNG
HHC 47th Avn, WIRNG
Camp Ashland for PLDC
Ft. Eustis for AIT TDY 67Y
C Co 1st Bn 147th Avn, WIARNG
A Co 1st Bn 147th Avn, WIARNG
Ft. Indiantown Gap for AIT 67T
Ft. McCoy for BNCO
A Co 1st Bn 147th Avn, WIARNG

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